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Tourette Syndrome


Neurodevelopmental disorders


Our Biomedical Scientist

Reviewed based on

Clinical Trials

Last update

December 2020

What is Tourette Syndrome

Tourette syndrome is a developmental neuropsychiatric disorder that leads to repetitive and involuntary movements as well as unwanted vocal outbursts. Depending on the severity of the tics, Tourette can interfere with most aspects of life including communication, daily functioning, and overall quality of life.1

The symptoms of Tourette may involve movement (motor tics) and sounds (vocal tics) and can be divided into groups depending on their severity. Symptoms of Tourette vary in frequency and can occur during sleep and change over time. Often, the symptoms are the worst in the early teenage years and improve with age.

Currently, a cure is not available for Tourette syndrome, though different treatments are available that can benefit patients to a different extent. However, not all patients suffering from Tourette benefit from present treatments.1

  • Simple tics
    Repetitive and brief tics involving fewer muscle groups
  • Complex tics
    Different and coordinated patterns of tics involving several muscle groups

Today, the exact cause of Tourette is unknown as the disorder is highly complex. However, several factors can be involved in the development of Tourette such as a combination of genetic and environmental factors. Neurotransmitters that are signaling molecules in the nervous system including dopamine and serotonin may be involved in the development of Tourette. In addition, men are up to four times more likely to develop the disorder.1

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Tourette Syndrome

Simple and complex movement- and sound tics that can vary in severity.


THC may be therapeutic in the treatment of Tourette Syndrome.


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The connection between Cannabinoids & Tourette Syndrome

Studies find that CBD and THC may have great therapeutic potential and may be used to help treat Tourette Syndrome. CBD and THC are well-known cannabinoids, however, they do not have the same psychoactive effects. THC is psychoactive while CBD does not possess psychoactive effects. According to WHO guidelines, the cannabidiol CBD is generally well tolerated with a good safety profile.

Up to this date, there are only two controlled trials available that aim to study whether THC can be effective in the treatment of Tourette syndrome.

To determine whether cannabinoids can be effective in the treatment of Tourette, longer trials with a larger number of patients are needed.

However, many experts stated that treatment with cannabinoids like THC can be taken into consideration when first-line medications do not produce significant effects e.g. did not improve the tics. 2

The literature discussion is an overview of the published results from scientific studies investigating if and how cannabinoids can be beneficial in the treatment of Tourette Syndrome. The overview will be updated regularly to ensure the newest and most accurate information.

Today, we are not able to provide any literature discussion about cannabinoids and Tourette Syndrome.

Clinical trials are research studies that examine new treatments and evaluate their effects on human health outcomes.

THC found to give symptomatic relief in a clinical study

A structured interview was used to evaluate the effect of nicotine, alcohol, and marijuana in patients (n=47) with Tourette syndrome. 85% and 69% of patients noted improvement when using cannabis and alcohol, respectively. Only 7% of patients reported symptomatic relief from Tourette’s when consuming nicotine.3

A randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled study included people with Tourette syndrome to assess the effect of THC. It was found that symptomatic relief was produced upon treatment with up to 10 mg THC/day.4

  1. https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/tourette-syndrome/symptoms-causes/syc-20350465
  2. Müller-Vahl, K.R., (2013). ”Treatment of Tourette syndrome with cannabinoids”. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/23187140/
  3. Müller-Vahl, K.R., Et Al., (1997). ”Gilles de la Tourette syndrome. Effect of nicotine, alcohol and marihuana on clinical symptoms”. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/9465342/
  4. Müller-Vahl, K.R., Et Al., (2003). ” Delta 9-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) is effective in the treatment of tics in Tourette syndrome: a 6-week randomized trial”. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/12716250/


Below you find the plant cannabinoidscannabinoid receptors, and endocannabinoids that are associated with the potential therapy.

If you have any further information relevant to the connection between Tourette Syndrome and cannabinoids or find any of the information inaccurate, outdated or incomplete please contact us here.